Meet Our Team

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My Story

I’m so glad you’re here!

My name is Heidi, and I am a registered dietitian, diabetes educator, and amateur chef... or at least I like to think so! Like many dietitians, my approach to working with clients was not always guided by the principles of Intuitive Eating. For a long time, it felt like the profession I had chosen had failed me as I watched my clients continue to struggle with body acceptance, weight cycling, and calorie-restricted dieting. I wanted to find a way to actually serve and support my clients in nourishing their bodies and promoting well-being. It wasn't until I discovered the principles of Intuitive Eating - a compassionate, self-care eating framework - that I felt I could truly support clients in their journey to respect their bodies and make peace with food.


I’ll let you in on a little secret:

I haven’t always been a non-diet dietitian.


Like most people in the field of nutrition, my traditional training led me down a path of teaching people “eat this, not that” (oh, and not too much!), rigid meal plans and recommendations, and a textbook approach to counseling. Along with my own history of dieting in high school and college, I accepted this immersion in diet culture as the norm for years. This idea that we should do everything we can to make our plates and our bodies smaller.

But I noticed something over the years while working with clients: this approach does not work. The nutrition education, food rules, and rigid goal setting were not providing what my clients really needed.

I realized that sustainable changes happened when my clients started improving their relationship with food and themselves, rather than using external dieting messages to measure their self-worth. Deprivation was not a prerequisite for health. In fact, it was quite the opposite. This shift changed everything.

My career evolved and I became trained in Intuitive Eating and HAES. I could no longer accept diet culture agenda. After spending many years incorporating a non-diet approach as the head outpatient dietitian in a hospital setting, I decided it was time help more people in a broader community. I started my private practice Greene Nutrition, and it has been more fulfilling than I could have imagined.

When I’m not in the office, I enjoy hiking with my adorable pup, biking on rail trails, planning the next trip or restaurant adventure, and making homemade pizza with my husband and son (aka sous chef-in-training).